MGA McChesney Grappling Academy - Fulshear, TX

Texas MGA McChesney Grappling Academy - Fulshear, TX

Wrestling Club located in Texas
One thing we have learned over the past few years is that the sport of wrestling is really growing in Texas. With the competition growing there is a need for good wrestling coaches. At a Super 32 qualifier we met Andrew McChesney of McChesney Grappling Academy located in Fulshear, TX. McChesney was a former college wrestler from Pittsburgh, PA.

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Andrew's son Garrett McChesney was a Texas state placer in 2023 as a High School Junior and currently wrestles for Katy Jordan High School. At the Super 32 competition prequalifier Garrett pinned our son Diego in the first round of the finals match. We then saw Andrew and Garrett in Iowa for Preseason Nationals and spoke more after Garrett had a great showing there.

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We have recently started adding to Diego's after school training by going to train with the father and son. The additional coaching by McChesney has helped and Diego is starting off the season great with his only actually losses this High School season to Garrett.

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Even after a long day of school he hits the gym for weight training and then heads to MGA.

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Currently McChesney Grappling Academy is holding practices on 3 times a week with the Sunday practice being held at GB Fulshear.

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Contact - McChesney Grappling Academy - Fulshear, TX